At this point, it seems like a slam dunk that we will have another stimulus passed in the next few weeks. The hardest part of the whole thing is figuring out if we are going to spend 1 trillion or 2 trillion? At the end of the day, it’s just a trillion dollar difference. (Sorry for the sarcasm) But what is going to happen to the market once it is passed? The old saying, those that don’t learn from history are bound to repeat it, comes into play here. Usually, we wouldn’t have any history to go by when the government spends trillions to boost the economy. Fortunately for us, they just did it back in March and we will be able to use that as a rough estimate on how the market will react. How much will the market go up? Keep reading to find out and make sure you are ready to take advantage of it. (I know I am!)
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