In this article, I go over the 5 BEST GROWTH STOCKS TO BUY NOW FEBRUARY 2022 THAT ARE MASSIVELY OVERSOLD! By no way does this make up the complete list, but I do think that these 5 growth stocks deserve some special attention when it comes to giving investors additional rewards versus the overall risk. I also throw in a 6th oversold growth stock that I feel will crush the market in 2022. Make sure to check out the video at the end where I go over some of the charts related to these best growth stocks for February.
The first of the best growth stocks to buy now is Chargepoint. The Chargepoint stock has seen some very good days over the past two years, but the fun ended rapidly in February 2021 when the overall growth sector started to get hit early and often. Since then, Chargepoint has continue to battle, but would be considered a falling knife. With the Chargepoint stock trading at about $15 a share, I do belive that investors need to take another hard look at this company. We are seeing increased funding for EV charges from the government and of course we know that automobile companies are quickly moving towards for EVs for all their lineups. I figure in the next 10 years, ICE cars will be a thing of the past and EVs will be the new normal.
The next off the best growht stocks to buy now would SoFi Technologies. I realy think that this stock deserves to see much higher valuations now that it has secured it’s banking charter. SoFi stock just might start to surprise some bears out there as the days move forward and you could see a good old fashioned short squeeze soon enough. SoFi will be able to offer better rates now and other services to make them more prepared to take on the bigger dogs on the porch. Seeing SoFi stock price at around $12 a share is something that is too good to pass up for my own personal portfolio…so I continue to dolllar cost average into it.
The third of the best growth stocks to buy now that is oversold is Draftkings stock. I can see the Draftkings stock price prediction moving up very quickly as sports gets back to a more normal way of happening. With Covid numbers continuing to collapse in the U.S., I would expect more people in 2022 to start enjoying life and getting back out to see their favorite teams compete. With all of that, I would fully expect more states to start allowing online sports wagering and thus helping Draftkings stock move up over the next few years. Seeing Draftkings stock price at around $23 a share should not last long, but only time will tell.
The fourth of the oversold growth stocks for February 2022 is Netflix. The Netflix stock price has taken a huge hit after they reported their earnings just last week. The stock got absolutely crushed, but when others run for the hills, I see opportunity. I strongly felt that the selloff was a bit overdone and that Netflix has such a strong customer base and programing, that they would be able to bounce back rather quickly from this bad news. I would expect to see as more people go back to work and less are staying home from the pandemic, that the Netflix numbers would be under pressure. But that too will settle down and then you will see more normal subscriber growth as they move forward.
Now we move into the 5th of the best growth stocks to buy now for Febraury 2022 that I feel is massively oversold for the long term. We take a look at the Coinbase stock price and see that it is trading very low compared to when its IPO went live. We are seeing Coinbase stock trading at the $208 level and I would expect to see it having a great chance to hit the $300 level in the next 12 months. Remember that as crypto goes, you will see the Coinbase stock price moving very much in lock step. I can see the Coinbase stock rallying quite a bit as Ethereum in particular runs up over the next few years. Owning Coinbase stock is like owning the whole store and I definitely want to own a piece of that for the long run.
The bonus growth stock to buy now that is oversold for 2022 is NIO. The NIO stock price prediction I see for 2022 is around $60 a share on average from most of the analysts on Wall Street. I believe that NIO stock will eventually see $100 a share. It is not a question of if NIO stock will hit $100 a share, but when will NIO hit $100 a share. I fully believe that it will have a very big run over the next two years and quiet quite a few of the sceptics out there. NIO has a huge following that will continue to grow as they expand overseas. NIO is looking to enter the U.S. market by the end of 2025, which will allow them to sell their cars in the two biggest markets in the world.
At the end of the day, we are seeing many growth stocks trading at near year lows and to me this screams opportunity. Does that mean that they can’t drop a bit more? Absolutely not!!! We can see these growth stocks continue downward depending on the overall market situation. But I do belive that they are already at a level that should be considered massively oversold. I do recommend taking a look at my video going over these 6 growth stocks and seeing a bit more of my take on why they should be considered for anyone’s portfolio. I believe that these top 5 growth stocks to buy now should explode moving forward, but time will tell if I am correct. Take a look at my video review here on these stocks.
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