Stock Moe YouTube Channel Live Stream
Tonight was the first of hopefully many live streams with the amazing duo, Larry Jones, Kenan Grace, and Stock Moe. What is so great about these three is the positivity that they bring to their channels, and when they all get together, it is the trifecta of gentlemen sharing their knowledge. The Stock Moe YouTube Channel was lucky to have these three sharing not only good information, but also sharing tidbits about themselves along the journey. Early in the live stream, the three likened themselves to the Avengers, with Larry being T’Challa, Kenan being Thor, and Stock Moe being Captain America.

Stock Moe talked about how he, Larry, and Kenan are friends outside of YouTube. They text each other and share in the challenges of running a YouTube channel. Larry mentioned how they are happy to lead people to financial freedom even throughout a bear market. Kenan asked for some love from the people, and he made sure that everyone knew that there is a certain way to navigate the stock market and that it should not happen quickly. They want to get rid of the FUD.
Stock Moe pulled up a wealth calculator and put in numbers for two people making a certain amount of money per year, and if they put in 10% of their paychecks starting very young, they can accumulate a lot of money with interest as they get older and into retirement age. Kenan Grace addressed the Stock Moe YouTube audience and discussed how people want to be able to get rich quick, but that is not the way that it happens. People think it should either be get rich quick or nothing at all, but he makes the point that investors need to have a certain path set up and follow that path and don’t stray from it. He mentioned the calculator that Stock Moe had pulled up, and he stressed that Stock Moe was not putting in a salary that was unreachable. He started with a very low salary and showed how the AVERAGE person can save for their future. He stresses that you need to stop expecting to get rich quick and instead get rich at your own pace. He stresses the importance of the compound interest and how it assists you to plan for your financial future.
Larry Jones started to reiterate and told the importance of each of the viewers pulling up the calculator and putting the numbers in for their own situation. Larry suggested that everyone who is getting a tax refund this year invests that money instead. He talked about how people should wait to buy that iPhone and instead invest that monthly payment that would have gone to the iPhone. He discussed the old adage that time in the market outweighs timing the market. He made the point that people who are reaching for their future will actually reach goals much quicker if they bypass getting themselves a pair of Jordans but invests that money instead. He mentions so much money is wasted on things instead of investing it in yourself. He suggested writing down everything you buy in a month to see how much money is wasted.
Kenan Grace went on to make the point that when someone gets paid, they are not truly the one who is getting paid. Why? Because that money goes to other people. Instead, he stresses that people need to pay themselves first. He told the story about how he had enough money at one point to buy a Tesla as in the actual car, but instead he continued to dollar cost average into Tesla stock. He suggested that everyone gives themselves a raise from the money that they make from their day jobs. In the meanwhile, Larry and Stock Moe are listening intently and wholeheartedly agreeing with his statements.
Larry mentioned how they are already working on the Super bowl venue for next year, and that is how people have to look into investing in themselves. He thinks that people really need to start having a long-term mind frame and get money working for yourself. He says that just like the Super bowl, things do not come easy, and we have to work for it.
Stock Moe piped in and mentioned how he used to tell his students that when they got their first job….did not matter how old they were….16, 17, 18….they needed to start taking out 10% of every paycheck and if they were lucky, they could do 20%. He mentioned not going out and getting house poor. He said that the banks will always be handing out money to individuals so getting the house loan won’t be the problem. Stock Moe said that people don’t need that big house in the best neighborhood. He stated that instead, people need to take care of their financial priorities first. He mentioned setting up a savings account, setting up a retirement account, and an emergency fund. He said a lot of people do not even have the money for a $400 emergency, and that needs to change.
Kenan spoke of the fact that colleges are the prime example of paying themselves first. He gave examples of colleges always doing construction, and remodeling and making new dorms and getting new professors. The colleges make sure that they take that money and make improvements from the kids who are paying them. He says that people need to do the same exact thing and invest in themselves. He said that people need to build the foundation with ETFs such as VOO or VTI and the analogy makes the point that it is a good starting point for people to start investing in themselves. He mentioned how Larry had taken some profit on Shiba Inu a few months back, but that he already HAD the foundation to be able to do something like that. Kenan mentioned that even for himself, he has a great foundation of companies like Apple $APPL, Tesla $TSLA, and Facebook $FB so that when his top wavers when he takes more risk, he still has that solid foundation.
Larry Jones chimed in and started discussing the greater fool theory and how the psychology of the market is important, and that he did take profit from Shiba Inu. Larry went into the story of what he bought it at and what level he sold it. He wanted to show people that it was ok to take profit and not trade with emotions. He mentioned still having his original Shiba Inu but that he swing trades some to take advantage of the bear market. Kenan piped in and talked about having accounts where you keep your solid long term plays and then having another account for short term trades. He says to keep that money totally separate and know that with the short term trade it could go to zero. You only touch one but not the other.
The three of them went on to discuss the federal reserve and some things that are hot topics in economics today.
The Stock Moe live stream, which was intended to be approximately 45 minutes, went on to be an hour and twenty minutes long. The people in the chat were extremely appreciative of these three gentlemen, Stock Moe, Larry Jone, and Kenan Grace. Watchers from the chat were fondly referring to them as the Stock Avengers. If you were not able to see the Stock Moe video live, be sure to watch the replay below.