Because of some US embassies getting shut in Russia,(the embassy in Kyiv is shutting down), Moe thinks that it is causing some volatility in the market.
At the beginning of today’s livestream video, he reviews the Stock Moe Portfolios which consist of the VOO Portfolio, Conservative Portfolio, Aggressive Portfolio, and Crypto Portfolio. They are portfolios which were created especially for Stock Moe YouTube Channel watchers. He continues to dollar cost average into the positions of these portfolios each week by adding in $100 of each. Stock Moe shows where his portfolios are at the close of today.
Also, Stock Moe shows today’s market close of the Dow -0.49, S&P -0.38, the Nasdaq -0.0017%, the Russell-0.51%, and the Vix +5.59%. Although the day started off promising, Stock Moe watched these markets today and saw a spike in the Vix around 1PM EST which was most likely due to the closing of the embassy in Kyiv. When he saw that spike in the Vix, he took advantage of it by adding more stocks into his 2022 Portfolio which is an exclusive portfolio for the Stock Moe Patreon. Moe mentions that there is a certain point that the Vix reaches for which he likes to keep dry powder in order to take the opportunity to buy into the market.
Moe also pulled up the 10-year and 2-year Treasury bonds and interest rates and showed that the 2-year dropped whereas the 10-year went up. Stock Moe talked about how some people use the metric of the spread between the 2 and the 10-year interest rates to predict a recession. Based on the history of the market, people use this metric to see how close the two numbers to show a possible recession. The closer the numbers, the more reliable the prediction could be. This is better known as “flattening the curve”.
Stock Moe also showed the oil commodity. He first reviewed GUSH which is a 2X leveraged oil and gas exploration ETF and the inverse of that which is DRIP. He talks about the fact that he reviews things that may not be the typical investments. He discusses the fact that he will also be talking about more risky plays that can make more money for those to want to take more risk in their investments. He discussed that he made very high returns within one year. Stock Moe started a new Leveraged Portfolio for this year for the Stock Moe Patreon. He discussed the money that he put into that portfolio.
Stock Moe went on to discuss how he thinks we may see some lows in the Nasdaq before we hit the highs, but as we move into Q2, we may see improvement. He showed the Nasdaq and showed the levels that we have already reached for the lows. He says that it could go lower, but on a positive note, it can be quick to rebound. He mentioned that the Covid numbers are collapsing, and that people might expect the market to go through the roof, but it’s not. He showed how the Nasdaq has its ups and downs but is going sideways overall over the past month.
Stock Moe thinks that it may be time soon to start cherry-picking the plays that are going to give good returns. He talks about bears spreading FUD, and that we just have to “swim through the FUD” in order to get to the other side.
Moe started to talk about what will happen to the portfolios in regard to the Russia vs. Ukraine crisis. He showed a chart of events from history that have affected the markets such as wars, bombings, and other shocking news events. The chart showed the overall drop in percentage of the total drawdown and then showed the recovery time for the market in number of days it took to recover back to where it was. Shockingly, there are some events that did not take long at all for a market recovery. Stock Moe discussed the fact that we need to create a strategy for dealing with events such as Russia vs. Ukraine. He suggested using events from history such as the chart that he shared, looking at the data within the chart, and coming up with a strategy that will help us make money in the market.
Stock Moe also went on to say that he thinks that the supply chain issues that we are having has affected the stock market the most. He talks about how increasing fed rates affects the overall economy. He took a look at a chart that showed historical inflation rates. He gives examples and analogies to help people understand the affects of this inflation.
Moe continued with this video and answered many questions from the chat. He interacted a lot with his chat. Within the chat during this livestream, there were subscribers and channel members. The Stock Moe Channel has a YouTube Channel Member option. With this option, Stock Moe followers can sign up at different price points and they get perks within Stock Moe’s YouTube Channel itself. Mrs. Moe has made custom emojis just for Moe’s channel which can be used during Stock Moe live streams in the chat or on the Stock Moe channel comments. They also receive a special badge by their name which signifies how long they have been a member. Stock Moe Channel Members have a small bull figure by their names to signify that they are new members. Because this is so new, there has not been anyone who has earned a new badge beyond the first one. Toward the end of the video, Stock Moe reviews his Stock Moe Patreon in which he has a private Discord with thousands of members where everyone chats and shares their journey to financial freedom. Another perk of Stock Moe Patreon is the ability to see Stock Moe’s buys and sells for his different portfolios. The portfolios are also on display for members to view.
To hear more about the contents of this article, you should definitely check out today’s Stock Moe’s Livestream. You may also view it below.

Disclaimer: All information in this article is for entertainment only and not financial advice. There may be links in this article which are affiliate links in which the author and/or Stock Moe will receive compensation.